what's going wrong with my girl???


Hello there.

I have uploaded 4 pictures which i took today.
Picture A was taken an hour before the light turn on (12/12).
Picture B-C-D an hour after the lights turned.

I've watered them yesterday with a 20-20-20 mix but it's not the first time i did it (1 teaspoon/3lt every 8 days.... sorry, I don't know the PH level but the temp is 86F or 30C with 3 case fans running --- i've made my PC desk into a grow box [50 cm X 50 cm X 80 cm height] )
As you can see in PIC A my girl looks nice but in PIC B-C-D the leafs (the little ones and the big ones too) are sooooooo down and curly and it looks like she's "dying slowly"
lso there is a mysterious "black shadow" on the leafs (back and front) . Also the edges seams like they're "burned" i think.....

The distance between the top of the plant from the lights is aprx 10 cm.

Can anybody tell me WTF is going wrong and how can i fix it....

Thanks in advance guys/girls




here is another picture 2 hours after the light turned on.
is it dying or what???? how can i fix this problem???
Pleeeeaaaseeeee help



Active Member
I would flush that bitch...FLUSH FLUSH FLUSH. I've run into so many problems and every time I fuck something up I just do a flush. The plants love it. Make sure your pH is balanced perfectly and give her a good run through. It looks like the nutes may be a little fucked up so a flush will probably be the best solution. If you have trouble with watering and soil pH and shit like that buy this.


Flush it???
Do you mean "take it under the shower and give the plant a bath???" because that's what i did......


Well-Known Member
I would flush that bitch...FLUSH FLUSH FLUSH. I've run into so many problems and every time I fuck something up I just do a flush. The plants love it. Make sure your pH is balanced perfectly and give her a good run through. It looks like the nutes may be a little fucked up so a flush will probably be the best solution. If you have trouble with watering and soil pH and shit like that buy this.
i gotta agree. give flushing a try


Well-Known Member
Flush it???
Do you mean "take it under the shower and give the plant a bath???" because that's what i did......

Flushing is watering it with straight water. No Nutes nothing. I prefer to use distilled water as I'm on well water and poor water can cause problems as well. Use 3 times the water as the size of the container. Eg. a 1 gallon pot flush with 3 gallons of water. Personall I wouldn't take my plants under the shower. I would agree though start with a a flush it looks like you might be burning them. Get a proper set of vegging and flowering nutes. a 15-15-15 might have worked for you during the vegging phase but during the flowering phase the plants require a different amount of nutrients.

Good luck.


Thank you so much my friends!!!!

I did flush it.... maybe i overdid it but i flush it alright!!!!

@ Defcon9

I'm a newbie soooo what kind of nuts are you talking about???
I'm only using a 20-20-20 mix.

(this is my second plant-the first one was eaten by my stupid cat---bad kitty ;) )


Active Member
How did the flush go? I would go to your gardening center and pick up some FoxFarm Nutrients. I've had some good results with them. Plan on spending anywhere from 13-40$ a bottle. The good news is that it is a super concentrate and that bottle will last you a long time. Keep an eye on your pH. Get a pH test kit and if you're using tap water chances are you'll only need a bottle of pH down. Ask around and see what a good pH range is for soil. I prefer starting the nutrients around week 2 or 3 of vegging and I start them at 1/4 strength and increase it every week. It seems to be working pretty well. If you're limited on cash I recommend getting GrowBig and BigBloom. Hope this helps


I think it saved most of my plant but not all of it..... i flushed it several times yesterday and a few today....
Ahhmmm.....take a look at the picture mate and tell me....
all the big leafs some of the small ones at the bottom "burned", they were kind of crispy with BIG DARK stains all over them.... i had to cut them off, why?? i don't know... to be honest...i'm really pissed off right now but "i think" she's gonna recover after a day or five.... if she's not....well....shit happens and learning from your mistakes is the ultimate thing....

We don't have FoxFarm Nutrients or GrowBig and BigBloom (what is their job exactly?) in my country so if you know where i can buy them (online) or buy something similar to that i will kiss-ass (metaphorically speaking ;-) )

Thanks WeedIsForMe...

BTW.....Weed is for me too :bigjoint:

