whats good and whats not from a newb


Well-Known Member
I am currently doing my first grow and just though Id share some thoughts of what I have learned thus far......

Tap water sucks (even ph correctly and sitting over night), ph is verry important, spider mites SUCK, when you think you might have over watered you probably way over watered (that sucks too), it is better to underwater than to over water (best to not water stress the plant period), spider mites suck, root bounding will make the plant not grow, Co2 bags are awesome, spider mites suck, osmosis effect of over watering will mimic heat stress, nut burn, and a bunch of other things, spider mites suck, when buying clones keep isolate them in case they have a parasite or other problems so it doesn't spread, oh yeah did I mention that spider mites suck :shock:, and people on rollitup.org is the shit for newbs .

I currently have questions as well, refer to the pics if needed. The 4 bulb HO T5 is 10 inches away, is that too far away? I am trying to get them to stretch a little, what are some ways people have killed spider mites (neem oil and mighty wash did not work, lady bugs are on the way) I am currently using Doctor Doom Spider Mite Killer, has anyone tried that? any tips, suggestions, comments, ect. greatly appreciated. :-P

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