I heard my uncle was a war hero. Supposedly he killed 18 VC with his bootlace after he ran out of ammo. I guess when he returned stateside, things weren;t that great for vets. He turned to alcohol and drugs, where he became a pimp and started his own crew that is rumored to have not once, not twice, but thrice, knocked over three liquor stores in one day. He did a short run in the state pokey, but was released early after saving the warden's life. When he got out he cleaned up and moved to the wilderness to get away from the temptation of the lifestyle. There, he befriended a bear. One day while he was shooting at some food, oil came up from the ground. He made a ton of money and bought a tour boat. On a fateful day, on a three hour tour, he got caught in a storm and they were stranded on an island for several years. Missing the hustle of the streets he moved to NY and drove a cab for a while. He eventually moved back to the West coast to settle down where he moved into a little apartment with two women.