What's on my leaves? (HD pictures)


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My first assumption was some kind of mold?
It's only on the very bottom leaves...Anyone know what it is and a fix?


Well-Known Member
theres no chlorosis of the leaf so i dont think its the rust look familiar with the lack of magnesium/calcium

i bet alot of people are going to say epsom salts lol lets count how many


Active Member
hard to say without more info,are you useing ferts,is your ph good are you useing tap water,it could be a combination of things,but the first pic looks like nute burn,this can also happen if you splash them when watering them.


Been feeding pretty heavy the past weeks. FF Grow Big and Superthrive. Only mix with distilled water.
And yes I have been watering them carelessly and been getting some on the leaves. I should be watering when the lights are off but it's hard with my schedule.

Is there anything else this may be besides nute burn that I should worry about?


Well-Known Member

I really dont know, nothing is ringing a bell. got a whole plant pic?

are you using hard water? (tap water)

*edit, you post to fast lol, i would guess if its far along into veg its nothing to worry about if its only 2 leafs and there shaded at the bottom of the plant


I appreciate all the help guys.

I'm going to assume its just from my carelessness unless it gets worse.