Whats on your bookshelf?


I originally posted this in general discussion with no luck. What books in your library do you consider priceless or worth there weight in gold. I love to read so books pertaining to cannabis cultivation,cannabis history, and any good reads non fiction and doesn't have to be related to the cannabis plant. Just looking to expand my collection of good books. Titles and authors would be helpful. Thanks

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I don't consider any book to be worth it's weight in gold or priceless, i can get near anything i want for about a penny off amazon marketplace :p Mr Nice is a DAMNED good read, cost a penny :D


Well-Known Member
I have a bunch of Chilton manuals for vehicles I don't own anymore and a whole bunch of books about building things.

I don't read many stories.


Guess this post was a mistake, just thought others may have some intelligent and usefull books that I might not have or be interested my bad.


Well-Known Member
My bookshelf has a bong, some candles, a few pics., and a small .380,...the books are just there for camo

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
some hightimes, cervantes growbible, couple books on electricity, and some criminal juctice books just to learn the other side.