whats the best container to keep my herbs


Active Member
I dunno about forever....... I'm not educated enought on the fact to answer completely, but I keep my nugs in an air tight glass jar. My wife and I usually get about 14g a week and by the end of the week the buds are not near as "dank" as they were when we first got them.

I've heard of storing it in the freezer??


Active Member
Don't store in the freezer! It will make all the trichromes brittle so they break and fall off easier.


New Member
:blsmoke:i was told glass jars are not good ?

any other ideas ? please discus

edit: after cured and dryed
yes do0d iz true i use bullet proof polykarbonate for curing cuz maybe if da fb eye they come then they shoot my glass jars it will break so no good but if they shoot my bullet proof polykarbonate jar iz not break !


Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
If it's properly cured and in good jars away from light and cool and dry (a lot of ifs) it will last 10 years easy.


Active Member
How cool would THAT be if ball jars came in the "amber" like pill bottles or beer bottles??
lol i thought of the same thing when i seen a sam adams commercial lol....couldent find any so i went to a local autobody shop an ordered "brown candy autopaint" and painted 15 jars....befor i painted i used a cemical etch so the paint stuck...it doesent look the same as a beer bottle but it worked....i even wetsanded buffed and polished them so they still look like glass.


Active Member
Thoughts on the "tightvac" containers? I've been using them for a few months and they seem to work well. It's food grade plastic...


Well-Known Member
tin cans, from christmas cookies or whatever, seem to work good for curing( dont have to open daily), but for storage,what that rascally rabbit said.....peace