Whats the best hydro system for scrog?


Well-Known Member
Dont buy that, make one instead.... to empty out rez, just drill a ball valve onto the bottom of the bucket...


Active Member
Dude- if you look at the DWC that you want, it already has a drain port on the bottom. As Sunny says, just add a valve.


Well-Known Member
here is a cab i just built and posted in another thread, it was simple to build and im using 2 5gal buckets. the net pots are actually in the shelf that the screen is attached to, i mounted a ratchet hanger on each side all i do is pull the straps up and the whole shelf moves up as one (plants, screen everything) that way all i have to do is pull the buckets from the bottom change water then slide them back in and lower the shelf easily done in 10 min. dont buy the system just make it (its so much cheaper) that way you can chose the things that matter like air stones/air pump.



Well-Known Member
Cool thanks for the replys, yeah i'm going to make my own from a ten gallon storage bin just found a pretty good tutorial. I really like your setup drgreentm.