Whats the best nutrients to use? For vegging and flowering

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
been using the GH flora duo in Lucas lately. 1:3 of A to B. mixes up nice and clear and pH stable too.

I started out in DWC using GH Flora series 3 part. I learned about Lucas & dropped the grow bottle. I then went Maxibloom & and never looked back.

Maxibloom: 1/2 tsp (3.5 grams dry measure) per gal (500 watts, or less lighting). 1 tsp (7 grams dry measure) per gal (600 watts, or more lighting, or Sun)


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Well-Known Member
High N in flower is not a good thing, enough N to flourish is the reality
And where did you get that from? Not from research. Look here, even the losers at Advanced Nitrients admit you don't need "bloom" products in flower stage and look what they found out -- flowering marijuana uses MORE nitrogen in flower than in veg!
