What's the best strain for dwc???


Active Member
All plants have different genetic's that react different to their grow medium. For instance one of your plants possibly could have done better in soil than a Dwc or vise versa. Looking for best strain in dwc.


Active Member
All strains are already predetermined to do well in a certain medium and better in a medium meant for those strains.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Strange noone else finds this to be the case in the cannabis community.

There is a reason that you have not received a single suggestion from the forum ;)


Active Member
Strange how you keep jacking my threads with no real input. And yes some strains do better than others, amazing what you'll find with alittle research.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
amazing what you'll find with a little experience ;) There is nothing strange about it, i click new posts and there are a bunch of rather silly threads sat there.


Active Member
M8 I'm looking for strains that do well in dwc if you don't have an input on that go play else where k.


Active Member
If you know so much buddy stop asking around , get a few strains try it den you tell us whats the best. You come here asking for peoples insight den get sarcastic when some one chimes in. Whats the best strain in DWC : answer any strain you can grow successfully. Good Luck Pal...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
As i stated. There is a reason noone has given you a suggestion ;)

As said above, you seem to know more than us humble folk cannabis growing folk, what help could we possibly be to you?


Active Member
Could be of help m8 to post pics of those certain strains that do well and better than most others in a dwc.