What's the most reflective material...


Well-Known Member
used best for reflecting light back onto the plants?

Face it... Aluminum foil really isn't that great. Mylar works well, but what else is out there that works as well if not better?


Active Member
2-3mm maylar. Wouldn't bother with the 1mm. That shit rips up bad when I mess with it. Much better going with the thicker stuff. Save yourself some hassle.


Well-Known Member
A List of Reflective Materials and their Reflectivity.

Materials Reflectivity

Foylon ..................................................... 95%
Mylar ....................................................... 92-97%
Elastomere (roofing)Paint ............................. 90%
White/Black Plastic (poly).............................. 75-90%
Polystyrene Foam Sheeting (styrofoam)............ 75-85%
Flat White Paint .......................................... 75-85%
Emergency Blanket ...................................... 70%
Semi-Gloss White Paint ............................... 55-60%
Aluminum Foil ........................................... 35-55%

More Details and Explanations can be found online, here is a link to my
source: https://www.icmag.com/modules/Tutorials/Lighting/1486.htm


Well-Known Member
used best for reflecting light back onto the plants?

Face it... Aluminum foil really isn't that great. Mylar works well, but what else is out there that works as well if not better?
And you're growing with CFL's....
So reflective wise they aren't that good...
I use them...
Just use more CFL's if you want more reflection...

There is so much more to the reflection equations ...
Distance reflective material is from light source for one...
If your 90% reflective material is 3' or 1 meter away from your lights...
There will be about a zero.069% reflection of a 23 watt lamp....

Don't go ripping down your Aluminum foil, to get more reflection... when your mounted reflective material is far away from your lights...
Get it?


Well-Known Member
I use the reflective Mylar auto sun shades.
I just staple them to the wall. you can cut them with scissors and they are insulated and not like the thin rolls of Mylar.
I covered a wall 8' x 6' with two of them.
They are dimpled and don't create hot spots.
You can get them at thrift stores used for cheap, or new for around $10-$15 apiece.
I get them at garage sales and thrift stores for $3-$4.


Well-Known Member
From the reading I've done, flat white paint is your best choice in a grow room as it defuses the light more evenly than any other surface.