What's the quickest way to sex from seed? Trying to get clones ready for outdoor


Active Member
Hey all. I'm feeling a little stressed and short of time, trying to get everything ready for my first outdoor grow this summer. I'm shooting for around 50 outdoor plants set in 5 or so different sites. Since it's my first grow, I'm assuming I'll only harvest 1/5 of that, which is why I'm shooting for 50 clones(maybe only harvest 10)

So my 10 seeds just cracked and I've transplanted them into Root Riots and put them in the prop. What I'd like to know, is what's the quickest way to sex these AND be able to clone them ASAP?

Since I'm running out of time, I don't really want to go 12/12 on the lights right away to sex these. because I've heard it's then difficult to clone them after doing that, even if I put them back into veg.

I've also been learning about how to spot preflowers that show after the 4th or so set of leaves. They seem very hard to detect and I don't know if it depends on strain or not

So basically, what would you guys do to take 10 seeds, sex them and clone them ready to go outside by end of May?

PS. I'll be vegging in a RDWC style system




Well-Known Member
Preflowers are not that hard to spot but they can come at week three or week 6 so you have to be on your toes. You could always take cuttings from each plant and immediately throw into 12/12. They will root in 12/12 or at least show sex before dying. Another way you can go is to place a light proof bag over one branch of each plant each day and remove each day so that just that branch receives 12/12. That one branch will show sex while the rest of the plant stays in veg.

You can always take a bunch of clones from each plant and record where they came from. Once you see sex in the mothers/fathers toss/keep the clones as necessary.


Well-Known Member
if your in a warm climate like ca1i,just put them out,should show sex in 2weeks or less.Or just give um 12/12,after you findout the sex,transplant.


Well-Known Member
Hey all. I'm feeling a little stressed and short of time, trying to get everything ready for my first outdoor grow this summer. I'm shooting for around 50 outdoor plants set in 5 or so different sites. Since it's my first grow, I'm assuming I'll only harvest 1/5 of that, which is why I'm shooting for 50 clones(maybe only harvest 10)

So my 10 seeds just cracked and I've transplanted them into Root Riots and put them in the prop. What I'd like to know, is what's the quickest way to sex these AND be able to clone them ASAP?

Since I'm running out of time, I don't really want to go 12/12 on the lights right away to sex these. because I've heard it's then difficult to clone them after doing that, even if I put them back into veg.

I've also been learning about how to spot preflowers that show after the 4th or so set of leaves. They seem very hard to detect and I don't know if it depends on strain or not

So basically, what would you guys do to take 10 seeds, sex them and clone them ready to go outside by end of May?

PS. I'll be vegging in a RDWC style system


Best way to sex early is to take a cutting put it in a glass of water and put it in 12/12. change water every couple of days. you should see sex in 2 weeks or so.