whats up boys i need some help with my soill


so im using promix hp mycorizeah

i am going to put my beabies in 3 gallon pots boom ! so the strain is going to be laughing buddha and here is the mix already mixed and yeah

@@@@@____3 gallon pot___@@@@@@@

9 tbl spoon of 444 all purpose fert
6 tbl spoon of kelp meal
6 tbl spoon of alfalfa
6 tbl spoon of meneralized phosphate
and i dont remember hom much 284 i have put insid maybe 6 tbl spoon

next grow im thinking of only using 284 and 444 and marphyle soil enhancer
Most 444 & 284 or similar ferts you can do 1-2 tablespoons per gallon of soil...so max 6 tablespoons per 3 gallon pot...not 15 of 444 & 284 right off the rip.

You can top dress with the 284 once it begins to flower. Just change your ratios. 444 at the begining, 50/50 mix through flower, 284/394 last top dress
Didn’t you just have a thread on this and was told that’s to much for a small pot like that I may be wrong and am sorry if I am but your post is identical to another one from two days ago that has like forty replies to this exact same scenario
You can definitely use the 444 and the 284 I would also add some mineralize phosphate and some rock dust as well using the rock dust during veg and the mineralized phosphate with the 284 during flower