Whats up everybody!!


Well-Known Member
Hay Everyone,
I am an Army vet, curently full time care giver to my adult specal needs son. Ive been married to my awsome wife for 23 years, who is actively serving in the Army. Cannabis has helped me deal with anxiety, bad dreams, and really strong anger issues that developed from PTSD, CBD has also helped my son when it came to aches and pains due to a disability.
I am a strong supporter for the use cannabis instead of pharmaceuticals. When I returned from deployment I came to my doctor and told him I'm having a hard time being home. Since we were some of the first rotations to come back doctors did not really know how to help with PTSD, and unfortunately prescribed me antipsychotics, and Powerful tranquilizers. The best way my wife described how I was acting was like a zombie. I was physically present but not totally there. I was missing formations in the morning, and not caring about my job. The repercussions of this was bad reviews on my performance review. Because of this I was feeling hopeless and starting to fall into depression, I eventually got to the point to where I was contemplating suicide. At this time with the help of my wife I took it upon myself to stop taking the medication because it was doing more harm than good. Feeling that I'm needing something to help I had turn to alcohol instead which was not a good choice either. In my eyes I was at least able to function around my family and work.
In 2007 I exited the Army and began working in the oil field as a roughneck. I would spend two weeks out on the ocean working and two weeks at home. Sadly I was missing a lot of my kids lives and still battling with PTSD and depression.
My wife made the suggestion since I gave her a chance to be with our kids when they were younger that she would want do the same for me by enlisting in the Army. Which was awesome because we had 2 boys that were in their late teens and another that was 12. One of my older teenage Sons like I mentioned above has special needs, he has genetic disorder (MPS III TYPE A) which causes mentalretardation, and a short lifespan. Thankfully allotting this time to me with my boys was priceless. My boys were in their formative years and needed their father to help to guide them through some of the most important times in a young man's life.
Fortunately we have been stationed in areas that it is legal to use and grow cannabis, from Colorado, Washington to California. Unfortunately the Army does not allow servicemembers to reside nor be around the sell or use of cannabis. The service member could possibly face a court-martial,jail and a unhonorable discharge. Thank you to my wife for understanding the necessity and allowing the of use of cannabis in our home.
Currently my oldest just returned from his first deployment to Afghanistan, my youngest is a junior in high school, and my special needs son has graduated high school and surpassed the life expectancy of his diagnosis and enjoys spending quality time with his father! I'm so proud of my family from my wife, and son serving our country to the maturity level of my youngest son that helps his big little brother that has special needs.
My hopes are that using this blog will help me learn to fine tune and grow meds for myself and my son. Also to give an ear and possible advice to my fellow veterans, and parents that are dealing with trying times in their lives. You Are Not Alone! As for my grow area I had built a grow tent using PVC pipe and tarps. Being that my wife is it primary income and we are a family of four I did not want to spend money on a grow room that I might have to sell or throw away because of the chances we might move to a location where it's not legal. Lastly I want to say thank you to everyone in advance for allowing me to share and receive tips and or advice. I have 2 current grows one is organic sponsored by the green sunshine company and Giixer grow lights(white light). The second I'm using liquid nwets and a blurple light
Best regards,


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Pretty similar story here.
I have fairly severe ptsd and several other conditions. I am rated permanently unemployable by the VA and I'm on ssdi.
MMJ literally saved me from myself and changed my life in ways I never knew possible. I had the piles of pills daily and had several times I was a zombie taking over a dozen different pills a day.
They shoved all kinds of narcotics at me, at one point I was taking 60mg of instant release morphine a day. Back in like 2016 they decided a bunch of us didnt need narcotics anymore and cut us off cold. I had never smoked mmj before and decided to give it a try. Within a year, I was off all of my VA prescriptions and solely self medicating with mmj. In 2018 we packed all our shit up and moved to Colorado so I could grow my own meds.
I recently found a low dose of seroquel on top of it has helped keep me a more balanced overall. Helps so much with my insomnia.
Glad to hear you are doin better brother! Thanks for sharing @fragileassassin !
Same to you, sat down with my breakfast and gave it a good read. Good on both of you for taking care of your family's needs like you have.
I got out in the end of 2012 and its been a huge up and down struggle since then. Been doing a lot better over the last year and starting to take my life back and figure out who I am and what I want to do from here. Ive already devoted a lot to my growing and want to spread the peace I find in my garden. Id really like to get involved with some kind of program or non-profit that helps other vets get easier access to mmj. With my benefits I have now, its fairly easy for me to afford to both grow and buy it but that wasnt always the case. There were low times I had to choose between my meds and other important stuff.
For now, I have just been putting a lot of time into this forum and helping people where I can with their grows and helped a couple people get going locally. Its been huge for both my sense of purpose and my self esteem.
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I used to live in Colorado Springs they had A program I think it was called Bud's for vets, or something like that. . If you really want to reach out, I would ask some of the dispensaries in your area. I know a lot of them did donate to VFW's back in the day. When I was in Washington, I used to donate to my VFW I got in contact with the head honcho there and asked him if he knew of any of the members needed MMJ. He was a bit skeptical at first because he thought I was trying to sell. I let him know that it was a donation. I did not want anything from it. In Washington, I grew a lot. And I did not want it to go to waste.
I think the chapter around carson has shut down. Ive actually come across that group in my searches but cant find anything about them being active other than in FL now. Grant Pharms is the most vet friendly place in town from what ive seen. Been meaning to get in there and talk to them. I hadnt thought about the VFW or AL. I am a lifetime member of DAV and im pretty sure the AL too.
Gotcha, I first heard of the buds for vets back when Colorado just became legal for recreational use. I have been researching on trying to figure out how I could start something up that could help benefit soldiers. When I spoke to the guys at the VFW. A lot of them had issues using cannabis. A lot of them were afraid that benefits would be pulled if they got drug tested by the VA. Again, this is a few years back. So I don't know if time to changed. When it comes to cannabis use and Veterans Benefits.
Their benefits were never really at risk, they were probably lied to by someone trying to scare them away from using it. The most the VA can do is refuse controlled substances to anyone that tests positive which could be a problem for some people, but they cant do anything to monetary benefits.
Ive been pretty open about my mmj use with them from when I started using it in 2014ish, even in a highly illegal state.
If youre on facebook, theres a group called "veteran 2 veteran info" thats very useful. MMJ comes up pretty often on there.
I just sent off a couple emails to people around here, I keep coming across stuff like this lately thats been pushing me more to get off my ass and find something.
Thanks for the info! I dont have a Facebook though..lol I've never had one. But it's good to have that info on hand. Just in case I come across somebody