What's up with my leafs?


Well-Known Member
The past week they have developed these spots on the leafs, not sure whats causing it. Either bugs or the nutes would be my guess. I'm growing in MG organic soil and using Fox Farms Trio per their feeding schedule, which is once a week for me. These are two plants, one looks like some kind of bug is eating the leaf and not sure about the spots. One of the leafs has a tear in it :-?



Well-Known Member
I can narrow it down to bugs. That's it though. Nutes won't do that sort of thing.
Even the spots? Any idea what kind of bug?

I had strawberry plants that were taken over by little caterpillar looking things early this summer but I could see them on the plant, I cant see anything on the MJ. Any idea's to stop them?


my guess is thrips or MAYYYBE a caterpillar. try buying some ladybugs at your local gardening center and see if that doesnt help some. either ladybugs or mantids if you like them but try and stay away from pesticides.