Whats up with my "mule?"


This is my second harvest. The first was a hodge-podge of different strains. This one was all two different genomes of Government Mule. We vegged the plants for about 2 weeks and then flipped to 12/12. However they were still getting light from a leak and hence vegged for an additional 2 weeks. When we discovered the leak and corrected it, I cut the plants way back and continued with a proper 12/12 schedule.
We got an awesome yield on from these 26 or so Aeorponically grown plants. Huge kolas, great trichome development, very heavy, dense buds. Primo weed, if I must say so myself. Problem is, that we are still new to this and hence, working out the kinks in our system. We had our heads so buried in the other harvest, that neither one of us wrote down the exact date of when we actually started flowering. Best guess, based on trichome development, is 7 - 8 weeks ago including the 2 weeks of incomplete darkness during their lights out period. However, they were definitely ready to be harvested based on the trichome development and color.
Okay...so the problem is this: Some of the buds are no longer "buds". Let me make that clearer. They are still in bud shape, but the little flower buds have started opening and where most people get a few "foxtails" in their buds, we have tons of little leaves and very few bud-like structures. It looks as though they have completely flowered and each one is a mix of fan leaves, sugar leaves, and foxtails with very few bud-lings left on the kola.
I have searched and searched the internet for an answer to this, as has my partner and neither one of us can find an answer to this. We have also asked our local "expert" and he, too, has never seen this on any form of cannabis,much less our highly prized Government Mule strain.
Can anyone shed any light on this for me?? Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance...