What's up with my plant?


Hey I need some help please :).. haven't used nutes or anything yet, growing with a cfl light now. One of the plants is healthy the other is drooping, this is my first grow and it could be over/under watering, I water when the soil is dry I stick my finger 2 inches in to measure the moisture.



think it could be due to ither your soil or over watering try transplanting into some potting mix with a perlite mix and cfl dont give of much heat so hardly need to watter them
when that young


Well-Known Member
It cud be any number of things. Maybe u need more light. If not that it's probably the soil.


Well-Known Member
when u make a post, give as much detail as possible as the people trying to help are not actually there in person. If they were. Diagnose of the problem would be simple and quick.


when u make a post, give as much detail as possible as the people trying to help are not actually there in person. If they were. Diagnose of the problem would be simple and quick.
What info do you need give me a list and I'll list everything and know for next time ;)