Well-Known Member
Ok so im like the 4th wk and have been using Advanced Nutriants.(pics are in my signature) I have not flushed till now. I have had some yallowing and was thinking they were not getting enough nutriants. The plants are feed with 1200 ppm and the ph is 5.9-6.3ish. So last night I was mixing up some nutes and had watered two of my plants. Not sure why but I wanted to check the runoff to see what the ppm was. Well I was very shocked to find it was at 2200ppm. I re-calibrated the pen and checked again and still at what I think is way to high. So the plants apear to have nutes at the ready so now I think the yellowing is not from lack of food but from lockout. so I flushed the others with water adjusted to 6.5ph.
So my question is
#1. What should I expect for a ppm in my runoff growing in soil?
#2. Is the runoff a good way to indicate the need to flush?
#3. Can I just go ahead and flush the 2 I watered with nutes yesterday? I dont want to over water.
So my question is
#1. What should I expect for a ppm in my runoff growing in soil?
#2. Is the runoff a good way to indicate the need to flush?
#3. Can I just go ahead and flush the 2 I watered with nutes yesterday? I dont want to over water.