whats up with my widow?


Active Member
It's beginning to rott let her dry out a little or you risk the loss of that beautiful plant what kind of lighting are you using?

no clue

Well-Known Member
Dude, never seen anything like that..doesn't look like anything good. Lots of knowledgeable people here. Scroglodite or someone will be able to help you out for sure.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i agree with SpiderMite - let it dry. was it transplanted into that pot? just wondering, it looks to deep. GL


Well-Known Member
Personally I never had anything funky like that on a stem of any of my widows, if I did I would scrap that shit off with a razor blade, give it a light feeding with a balanced nute and keep an eye on it. Rest of the plant looks good I wouldn't get too worked up.


Active Member
Rotting is my hypothesis because of the description of being soft and tender but now I'm leaning more towards fungi infection.


Well-Known Member
Rotting is my hypothesis because of the description of being soft and tender but now I'm leaning more towards fungi infection.
Which is why I would remove it, if it's a healed stress wound then nothing is to be done. I'm know how rough I can be with widow I grow from experience with the strain I have. I also realize that just because we call them ladies that roughness is not excluded from the botany of the plant. I've had accidents where I've created alot more stress than a razor cut, and with extra time and care healed properly. Just my 2 cents, not trying to flame.:peace: (note: the op is not in flower)


Active Member
I mean it's not necessarily decomposing I meant more like there's some large species of fungi that is thriving on your plant.


its under cfl's there is also shedding around that area and whiteish bumps going upward a little, i was told they are attemped roots