What's Up With Shorty?


Okay this outdoor plant is 3+ months old. It reached a set height and stopped growing. It was very short. I tried to top it(first time topper here), which went rather well I'd say. Not only is there a split with 2 new stems but the new stems are adding a little more height. How does it look? Did my topping go right? Will this plant flower at this height? I'm hoping with it being so much shorter than anything else the buds(if any) will have a high THC concentrate



Active Member
my plants are short too .
its the bubba kush i tell you .
yes the plant will flower at its height , but dont expect too much yield .
(maybe almost an ounce)
you have it in a small pot for three months,
that is probably why its short .
get a biggger pot , the roots have probably already webbed around the bottom.

yes you topped it correctly.
looks healthy.


It's in a 5 gallon bucket with 3-4 gallons soil. Other plants in the same age range and same setup reach atleast my belly button with one(the apparent male from my other post) up to my chest. I assume it's just genetics. I'd be happy with an ounce from this plant, for sure if it's premo.
Yup, sounds like your plant is just short and that's the way it goes. it sucks because the rest of the plants sound like they're doing great.

Meh, the rest of the grow is going to be great, I'm sure. Yeah, an ounce would be awesome.



Well-Known Member
Pics 2 and 4, sure look like there pollen sacs at the internodes. Are you sure that's a female?