What's up with this burnt looking OG#18?


Active Member
BEFORE (10/15):

AFTER (10/18):

The photo evidence should be an open and shut case, but it happened so quickly, I want to be certain in case there's something I could do here.

I've been using Neem Oil foliar sprays every couple waterings during veg to keep the plants fortified, especially because of the tight quarters in which they spent most o veg. I'm fairly certain that this is a burn from the Oil. I used the recommended dosage, 1/2 tsp per quart of tap water (pH~7.5) and a couple drops of natural soap for a wetting agent.

I put these back in the tent right as the lights turned off, two fans blowing to ensure they'd be dry to the touch by 'morning'. I usually fan dry them individually, but figured my dual oscillating fans could take care of it in plenty of time for the lights to come back on. So does this mean that simply by applying too much Neem and not shaking it off or otherwise removing it, the oil can maybe soak into the leaves and burn later as opposed to the immediate 'lens' effect from beads on the surface?



Active Member
Ive never used Neem for that reason. Seen too many cases that look just like yours. They were great before and burnt after. Looks like you know your problem.