What's wrong please? No potency at all from my Nirvana plants.


Active Member
Hi everybody. I'm currently on my second grow after my first didn't work out, and I seem to have the same problem as the first, namely, that my plants don't get me high at all. My seeds have all come from pickandmixseeds.co.uk so that should be alright, and the seeds have all been Nirvana so that should be ok too. The first plant I grew was an ak48 which I harvested without really looking at the trichs but there were some substantial buds and people on riu told me I should harvest it which I did. The plant I'm now growing is a super skunk and smells exactly like the ak48 which is a bit weird because the lineages are supposed to be different. I sampled some of it yesterday and it didn't get me high at all. Do you think I should buy from a different website, a different breeder, flower longer or what? My super skunk has been flowering now for about 11 weeks (breeder recommends 9/11 weeks. Here are some pictures from a few days ago if it helps. The second picture is a badly grown white widow (nirvana again) which also has no potency at the moment,. HELP PLEASE! Thanks.
DSCN1540.jpg DSCN1541.jpg


Active Member
I dried the ak48 by hanging it up and I may have dried it too much but it definitely did not get me high at all at any stage of the drying process so that's not the problem.


Well I don't like hearing THIS as I look at my 2 ft tall AK48. The seeds I got from Nirvana were feminized. Were your seeds fem as well?

Maybe it's the water in the UK? Or the Spanish Inquisition? Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!

frmrboi could you please elaborate on your "Nirvana is mostly crap" comment? Have you used thier seeds in the past?


Active Member
My seeds are all regular and I've been giving them houseplant nutrients for the veg stage and biobizz for the flowering. I just don't see how the plants can have ZERO potency when they're definitely females, what am I doing wrong? Is it possibly the phenos?


Active Member
to dry and cure buds properly u must hang them in a room no light low humidity for a week, put it in a paper bag for 3-4 days then into a jar for a month. you will need to check the jar daily for the first week to make sure there is no moisture left in it . if u do this it should knock ur socks off. this is the best way ive fond to cure my buds

+rep for ur fellow grower.


Well-Known Member
Are you a constant smoker? and if you are do you mostly smoke good shit? cause that can cause this problem. doubt thats it but it happens to me and i just smoke something different then back to my stuff.

good luck


Well-Known Member
I find that earth juice makes my buds really lite and and the thc seems to not be as strong as when i just use fish emulsion instead. next batch try your stuff with some fish emulsion and dont use the nutes and see what it does...good luck

I hope the Nirvana thing is not true, i have 3 week old feminized aurora going.


Well-Known Member
This comment is crap. You obviously haven't grown very many Nirvana strains, I know you haven;t because your comment is BS. I've grown 3, and all were kick ass. Maybe some people just don't know what they are doing... AK48 is one of Nirvana's top selling strains and it is potent as hell.... Go back to growing 101...

try a different brand of seeds, Nirvana is mostly crap.
I like TGA/Subcools gear. I haven't seen a grow report yet that said they were dissapointed with the potency and a big extra bonus they all taste great ! http://hempdepot.ca/seeds/TGA/index.htm


Active Member
Yes I am a regular smoker and I usually do smoke good stuff but I don't think that I'm particularly tolerant to marijuana so I doubt that's the problem.


Well-Known Member
Your growing methods have to be the problem.... Nirvana strains kick ass..... go read the reviews for ak48, hell, use Google and look it up... You are the first person I have heard this claim from.... and this is your second Nirvana grow? wow, just wow... I've got 3 of their strains, every one produces sugar out the ass.... The Bubblelicious is so narcotic, I only smoke it at nights now...

You are doing something whacked, it ain't the genetics...

Thanks ak47 but I don't think it's the drying or curing process that's the problem.


Well-Known Member
Just a heads up to those in the middle of Nirvana strain grows for the first time.... I have NEVER had a problem with Nirvana strains. In fact, some of their F1 strains kick ass. I'm talking sugar leaves so full of sugar, you can hardly see the leaves near the stems. Keep on doing what you are doing, Christopher has some other thing going on.... I find it impossible to believe ANY marijuana plant not producing THC....


Well-Known Member
Yes I am a regular smoker and I usually do smoke good stuff but I don't think that I'm particularly tolerant to marijuana so I doubt that's the problem.
nevermind, i thought you were talking about smoking the same strain alrdy for a little bit, and i was talking about tolerant to a strain instead of marijuana. i get that way when i have been on a strain for a little bit.

P.S you can give it to me if ya want, i will let you know:-) sorry for your problem and i hope it gets better for you.


Active Member
Your growing methods have to be the problem.... Nirvana strains kick ass..... go read the reviews for ak48, hell, use Google and look it up... You are the first person I have heard this claim from.... and this is your second Nirvana grow? wow, just wow... I've got 3 of their strains, every one produces sugar out the ass.... The Bubblelicious is so narcotic, I only smoke it at nights now...

You are doing something whacked, it ain't the genetics...
There are seeds issue abound (BARNEY'S LOL).
I have used Nirvana many times... with NO MORE ISSUES than any other good breeder.


Well-Known Member
Even if he overdried or under dried, the THC ain't going anywhere. The more I think about this, and looking at his location, I'm beginning to think it is just a Nirvana smear post from somebody over at another UK seed bank...

Why blame Nirvana? My first guess was improper drying/curing. They looked great in the pics.


Well-Known Member
I just found the problem... His pics of the nirvana buds were gorgeous, trichs coming out of the plant's ears.... Those buds are OR WERE high in THC before he decided he wanted to quick dry his harvest..... Here is one of his posts after he chopped....

Hi everybody, I'm trying out Dankmaster's Microwave Steam Method which you can find on Google. Here's what it says about it:

"Dankmaster's Microwave Steam Method
A vast improvement in quick dry technology. It does a satisfactory job fairly quickly. Trichomes don’t burst and flavor while not great isn’t awful anymore -- which is all I can say for any of the previously mentioned methods. What the method does is use steam to dry out the weed.

Necessary items
*Tupperware container with lid.
*Buds fresh off the plant (cut into small pieces, don’t shred them – cut into nice little chunks).
*3-paper towels.
*Microwave with power setting options.

First, take 1/4 piece of a paper towel and lay it on the bottom of the Tupperware container. Then put your cut up weed on the paper towel. Next, take two paper towels, fold them several times and get them wet. Wring out most of the water. You want the paper towels wet but not dripping. Now, you lay the paper towels over the top of the Tupperware making sure that you completely and evenly cover the top. Then take the lid and squeeze it almost all the way on. When I say almost I mean to get all sides and corners on tight except for one corner to allow the steam to exit. Now your ready to put your steam dryer in the microwave.

Set the microwave power to 40 or 50 %. I recommend 40% -- I tried it on full power the first few times and it didn’t work nearly as well. Now set it for a minute and let it go. Take it out and let the steam evaporate out and let sit for 15-20 seconds. If the bottom paper towel (the one that the buds are on) is wet change it. If the two paper towels you were using are dry make sure to re-wet and wring out and put back over top and put lid on in same way.

Now microwave at 40-50% for another minute and repeat process for typically 3-5 minutes. This is the best method if you need the herb in less than 20 minutes."

My question is, has anybody here tried this method and when it says 'lay the wet towels over the tupperware' , does it mean over the top of the tupperware container or directly over the cut up bud (and touching it)? Thank you.


Well-Known Member
He steamed or over heated the buds causing the THC to evaporate.... :clap:

End of mystery... It's a shame that he was trying to blame Nirvana and not his own whacky microwave steam method...


Well-Known Member
damn, i sometimes dry mine out fast to test a bud but i use a certain light and it takes hours to get dry enough to smoke.
Best just to wait and let it dry.