What's wrong with her?


Well-Known Member
she is "Matilda" autoflower royal critic.. or maybe she was Matilda... :-(

2 days from 10th week, I stopped nutes 5 days ago, and giving just water..

Temp 24/28 Celsius, humidity 55
18 hours of light with a hydro mars 120w

Since couple of weeks leaves are getting yellow and yellow, now some of them are drying out and the color of the leaves around the buds is getting black..

Buds feel hard at touch and not soft...

Did I Messed up everything in the end? What is happening? What should I do?



Active Member
Looks great to me, dense hard nugs, yellow leaves from use of nitrogen, and flushed for a bit, I see no problem at all. That black or dark purple looks like genetics it’s natural


Well-Known Member
These answers sound like music!! Thanks!

How long u guys think?

Considering that when checked during end of week 8 on the forum has been suggestd to wait week 10, and now I'm just two days before 10th week to start


Active Member
Depends on strain if it says 7.9weeks flowering. Then push to 9 rather than 7.but usually tricomes usually are a good guide. M8. Sparkles. Not ready milky and some sparkles nearly there all milky upto u. Milky and Amber ya good to go. But it up to the person who's in charge get a nice loop and go from her tricomes carnt go wrong enjoy


Well-Known Member
Leonida the buds will fatten towards the end. Of her life myt not be much but will be like little rocks. Enjoy
Yeah crossing fingers, hard to say but I think they are slowly fattening, just the yellow, the strange colors, and the leaves dying are taking my attention more than the buds..that's photos from today

