whats wrong with her? :(


This plant has recently started getting these strange marks on her leaves.. I think it might be caused by misting then putting back under the light?

Shes under a 250w cfl just above her (ive now moved further away)

See the rust coloured marks on the leaf?

Its about 2 weeks old the first marks started showing a couple of days ago.


haze, son

Active Member
Probably the pH of the soil is either a bit too high, or maybe a bit low from what it should be. Do you have a pH tester that you can check the soil with? That is probably your problem.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Boy, this one's a mellon scracher. That really looked so much like nute burn.

There are only 2 other possibilities:

1. If the brown spots are also present on the back side of the leaf, then it's a nute lock out due to pH. In this case, check your soil pH.

2. If no other spots have appeared since you took the photos, then this is simply heat burn caused by the misting.

I'm more inclined to go with #2, since it's more likely, but it doesn't hurt to be safe.

Misting directly on leaves is generally not a good idea, because the water drops that form will be heated up by the infrared light produced by the bulb, so even if it doesn't seem warm in the room, the drops can still burn the leaves.

I recommend you either mist in the air, having the same effect of raising the humidity, or you get a humidifier, if you have a larger grow space.


Well-Known Member
baby, you're stressing too much. It's not good for you or your plants. Shit happens. It's a strong plant and will help you learn. I got a scope and look at that stuff close up. You may want to invest in a nice one. I've learned so much.


Well-Known Member
I too have been freaking out about my current grow, but my first grow had all sorts of problems! But it grew, and it made nice bud, and got me high for a few weeks of heavy smoking :D

haze, son

Active Member
If it is heat burn, which Doctor Cannabis suggested, then I would actually recommend misting lightly from below the plants instead from above. Misting from below allows the Stomata (almost like a mouth) on the underside of the leaves to open, and allow the water to absorb easier. If you mist above the plant, large droplets that sit on the leaves turn into a magnifying glass and the light just torches the leaves.


Well-Known Member
I mist mine with water many times a day,,,I disagree in the magnifiying theory, although I use a MH, and the heat seems to dry the plants rather quickly.
I think it's a Ph problem or water problem, I can't use my water here cause it goes through a water treatment system and water softener, High Iron. So I only use distilled.