whats wrong with my babies?


New Member
There looks like so many different problems, but they're all on the same feeding same soil same lights?

x2 sunmaster 110w lights i canna terra soil + canna terra nutes 1/4 of the recommended



Active Member
need pics man or find pics that look AS CLOSE AS POSSIABLE to your plants situation :) GL man ill be waiting for thoes pics


Nuked nutes, in this case too much N (give your babies a flush to help this), humidity looks a bit high (try to keep it between 30-70%, 50-60% being ideal), over/under watered (as your humidity's high seems as if your girls might be over watered) I think the humidity is also causing your plants to get light burn which is causing them to look disformed and nibbled at, this is just my 2cents. Hope your girls get back too good health! Keep us posted, Cornish


Well-Known Member
They look Over watered mostly and a little over fed. cut back on the water and nutes, relax, your loving them to death.


Well-Known Member
With the temps at a cold 20 deg and 90% rh i would say its overwatering, get more fans and reduce watering until pot is much lighter to lift , temp s/b 24-26 . There is evidence of rootsystem stress prob from overwatering.