All my plants are starting to somewhat yellow from bottom to top..

I dont know if its too much or to little nutes or just not enough light?

Can anyone tell me what they think is wrong with my plants

**Also, My Northern Lights is starting to have more lime green leaves towards the bottom (not yellow, but lime green).. Weird :S



Well-Known Member
What is the PH, how often you water the plant, how close to light and what light source, and what is the ppm of the water with nuts :) so we can better help you


Active Member
looks like you got some nute burn going on there leaves are really dark green .... almost blueish I suspect nute burn ....


Active Member
looks like you got some nute burn going on there leaves are really dark green .... almost blueish I suspect nute burn ....
i agree. typically with nute def the leaves will all be light green from top to bottom, with the bottom yellowing. with N toxicity, the leaves would be darker green with yellowing and browing on bottom fan leaves because the fan leaves are basically "buckets" where the plant stores excess nutes.
All my plants are starting to somewhat yellow from bottom to top..

I dont know if its too much or to little nutes or just not enough light?

Can anyone tell me what they think is wrong with my plants

**Also, My Northern Lights is starting to have more lime green leaves towards the bottom (not yellow, but lime green).. Weird :S

lay off nutes im full :) lol


What is the PH, how often you water the plant, how close to light and what light source, and what is the ppm of the water with nuts :) so we can better help you

I use the manual PH kit and it is always "Light Yellow" which means that it is between 6.0-6.5

I water my plants when I feel they need it.. (Every 3-4 Days)

I water them to about 20% runoff

The light is about 1-2 feet over the plants (600 watt HPS)

anddddd for the PPM question.. What does PPM mean?


How long should I lay off the nutes for?

Should I stay giving it nutes every other watering but only give it about half a dose of what the FF nute manual says

I've been feeding it exactly as FF manual says... (Except for the first couple of feedings, of course)

Kyle Keen Green

Active Member
Looks like either a deficiency or nute burn, What you feeding them and how much? You feed every water? I'm a noob but try some epsom salts and water, and reduce your nutes by half. Just trying to help :)


Well-Known Member
Bah. Just pull those ugly leaves off and be done with it. Leaves that low, when left on the plant in to flowering, do all kinds of weird shit. The other leaves there with spots looks like you splashed some feed on them and didn't wipe it off. Top leaves look fine. Go on about your business IMHO.

Grow Safe.


Active Member
If it is nute burn just flush with ph'ed water a couple gallons depending on how big the pot is. It always worked for me. Than after flush hit them with a light dose of nutes really really light and watch that baby turn a perfect green and take off after a couple days.