Whats wrong?(with pictures)


Active Member
two weeks in and 3/5 are doing great. But two are having problems. one has yellow dots on the outer edges of the top leaves and the smaller one's bottom leaves are completely turning yellow. I don't think its over watering because I always wait until the soil is almost completely dry. I have been using foxfarm nutes but only 1/4 to 1/2 of whats recommened. The CFL's are 2-3 inches away. any suggestions or comments?anyone have this happen before?I've attached pictures


DR growgood

Well-Known Member
water a little more freqintly and look at them good with a magnifying glass make sure they dont have bugs or worms u will need a magnifying glass to see them if there is any.thats all i can tell u man


Active Member
Looks like nute burn to me.. probably want to wait until 3 weeks old, then 1/4 strength the first week, 1/2 strength in week 4 etc..

Your at 1/2 strength at 14 days, when half should be at day 28

What kind of soil?