What's wrong with these seedlings, and what do you do with your trash?


Active Member
Hey folks, a couple n00b questions:

First of all, my friend started her first grow. She put the seeds in a wet paper towel, they sprouted fine, and were transferred to 8" pots in a 1:1 mix of perlite and peat moss. A flouro was used for lighting until all the plants were about an inch tall, then were moved 14" under a 400w mh with a homemade ghetto aluminum foil reflector.

As the plants grew, some started to fall over and the stems were thin about halfway down. At this point, they only had the initial pair of leaves, and some of them were brownish/yellow.

I don't think they were being over or under watered, so put a cheap digital thermometer near the plants. It read in the 90s but i'm not sure it's accurate. Either way, the light was moved about 6 inches higher and the "reflector" was removed.

The temps are now in the 70s and the remaining plants SEEM to be doing better. It looks like theres more and more green between the yellow/brown and the stem everyday, so she guesses the plants are doing better.

Her question is, other than temperature, is there anything else that could cause those symptoms? BTW, they are white widow seeds ordered from nirvana seeds, and some are of a mixed freebie pack.

The other question: how do you folks dispose of your male plants and harvest remains safely?



Well-Known Member
14" away from a MH or HPS light when they're that small is too close...I'm 99% sure that was the problem. A 1 inch tall plant is extremely fragile...the lights should have been 3+ feet away, and gradually moved closer as they got bigger. 14" is probably the closest I would ever want that light, and definitely not a good starting point.

Oh and btw, what's the point of getting a thermometer and then not believing it? If it said it was in the 90s...it probably was...that makes sense for the lights and why the plants would be dieing under it.

As for the plant remains/trash....I don't really know, but I guess plant remains you could either just throw in the woods and then any associated trash should be put in a public dumpster or something - just not your own trash, if you're concerned about it.