Whats wrong with what im doing??


Active Member
I had recently bought the strain named "early" off bcseeds.com and this is the strain i have been trying to plant. The strain is grown for the cold Canadian outdoor climates. I have planted it many times and 9 times out of ten they have died before the seed could emerge. The ones that do emerge alittle, meaning a few millimeteres, the stem and root go thin and the shrible up and die. The only one that started to grow was when i put it under a 10watt flourecent light and this grew into a stem with the two oval shaped leaves and then when i transplanted it under my 400watt, it looked like it was sick beacause just the first spikey part of the leaves not the stem wilted but no harm was done to the leaves also it didn't seem to grow and i think the growth was stunted. It wasn't anything to do with water as i have a water meter that works. I then moved it outside because i thought it was due to heat stress. It didn't improve and after one week of in the sun my dog then ate it. My indoor operation was as follows: I planted it in 1/2 perlite and 1/2 vermiculite under a 400watt hps light hanging 23 inches away from the top of the poting mixture. I have set this up in my garage and it is in a 35 inch box with a fan running with the light to keep it cool...... I really don't know what is wrong with them. Is it because these seeds are grown in cold weather or something like that....please help


Well-Known Member
get cfls for the babies the hps is too strong or too close,hids should be 4ft away for seedlings,try an indoor grow and u might have better success,try growin with cfls for a fewgrows and that way u can make clones and not waste that much money again