what's your opinion on weed and blood pressure


Active Member
im currently about 50lbs overweight at 106kg but recently dropped down to 96-98kg

my blood pressure was in hypertension stage 1

ive dropped some weight and and notice a minor improvement in blood pressure it was sitting 138/80 if i can remember.

i decided to check it again when smoking as i have always noticed tight chest when smoking alot of thc. my blood pressure was 120/77

im aware i need to lose some weight si bt the time i get my bp down to 120 or 125 id image that could cause sime issues?
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im currently about 50lbs overweight at 106kg but recently deopped down to 96-98kg

my blood pressure was in hypertension stage 1

ive dropped some weight and and notice a minor improvement in blood pressure it was sitting 138/80 if i can remember.

i decided to check it again when smoking as i have always noticed tight chest when smoking alot of thc. my blood pressure was 120/77

im aware i need to lose some weight si bt the time i get my bp down to 120 or 125 id image that could cause sime issues?
Smoking weed definitely doesn't do your lungs, heart or blood pressure any favours. Try edibles if you have health concerns or moderate how much you are smoking.

It's an unpopular opinion around here but anyone who thinks that smoking several times a day isn't going to have adverse health effects is living in fairy land.
Smoking weed definitely doesn't do your lungs, heart or blood pressure any favours. Try edibles if you have health concerns or moderate how much you are smoking.

It's an unpopular opinion around here but anyone who thinks that smoking several times a day isn't going to have adverse health effects is living in fairy land.
is it mainly the administration that causes that surely edibles only minimize any negative effect on the lungs but the thc would be at minimum higher than fresh bud and have a stronger effect on bp and heart.

yeah moderation is tricky. been smoking daily for about 6 months noticed an increase in gums receding aswell which i cant attribute to dental hygiene or hydration but i believe it can cause this similar to can smoking nicotine but probably not as harsh

time for heroin
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is it mainly the administration that causes that surely edibles only minimize any negative effect on the lungs but the thc would be at minimum higher than fresh bud and have a stronger effect on bp and heart.

i think moderation is tricky. been smoking dailly for.aboit 6 months noticed an increase in gums receding nothing to do with dental hygiene or staying hydrated but i believe it can cause this but sure so can smoking cigarettes.

time for heroin
seeing that smack is easier to get then weed round here, you might be on to something, na. glad i knocked it on the head years ago

THC can affect blood pressure depending on the dose, the route of administration, a person's experience with THC, and a person's underlying health. Healthy volunteers that took THC had an increase in heart rate and decrease in blood pressure. In studies where people used THC while lying down, they had elevated blood pressure. When they stood up, their blood pressure dropped and they experienced low blood pressure.”
Your BP is not all that high and will fluctuate thru-out the day. How old are you, are you taking any meds or supplements and do you get any exercise? If you get up in the morning, sit quietly without smoking any pot for 5 minutes, is your BP still higher? If you do this at various times during the day (without pot) what are the results? Many things can influence your BP. You can't assume that a reduction/increase in your BP is a result of cannabis. What does your PCP say about your BP?

"The associations between blood pressure and cannabis use remain inconsistent."

"One of the most consistent effects of cannabis smoking on heart is 20% to 100% increase in HR which can last up to 2–3 hours, often accompanied by a slight increase in supine blood pressure"

"A modest association between recent cannabis use and systolic blood pressure was detected among a relatively large nationally representative sample of US adults. Although we detected a positive statistical association between recently active cannabis use and systolic blood pressure, the clinical significance of our findings is not clear."

The acute effects of cannabis and THC consumption on blood pressure are more variable, with potential implications for perfusion during exercise. Investigators have reported increases in systolic and diastolic pressure [41, 42, 53, 59, 61, 64, 65, 76,77,78, 83], reductions in blood pressure [60, 63], or no changes in blood pressure [43, 58, 59, 62, 63, 73,74,75, 81, 88,89,90] [each of those numbers represents a scientific paper or study! bb]

just about every paper ends with "further research is required"

Your BP is not all that high and will fluctuate thru-out the day. How old are you, are you taking any meds or supplements and do you get any exercise? If you get up in the morning, sit quietly without smoking any pot for 5 minutes, is your BP still higher? If you do this at various times during the day (without pot) what are the results? Many things can influence your BP. You can't assume that a reduction/increase in your BP is a result of cannabis. What does your PCP say about your BP?

"The associations between blood pressure and cannabis use remain inconsistent."

"One of the most consistent effects of cannabis smoking on heart is 20% to 100% increase in HR which can last up to 2–3 hours, often accompanied by a slight increase in supine blood pressure"

"A modest association between recent cannabis use and systolic blood pressure was detected among a relatively large nationally representative sample of US adults. Although we detected a positive statistical association between recently active cannabis use and systolic blood pressure, the clinical significance of our findings is not clear."

The acute effects of cannabis and THC consumption on blood pressure are more variable, with potential implications for perfusion during exercise. Investigators have reported increases in systolic and diastolic pressure [41, 42, 53, 59, 61, 64, 65, 76,77,78, 83], reductions in blood pressure [60, 63], or no changes in blood pressure [43, 58, 59, 62, 63, 73,74,75, 81, 88,89,90] [each of those numbers represents a scientific paper or study! bb]

just about every paper ends with "further research is required"

Cannabis is not a homogenous entity and it's route of administration and subsequent metabolic mechanism affect the drug's effects. We need some large studies on this, various cannabis' profiles and correlation to systemic vascular resistance and affect on endocrine system among many other things.

We don't have enough information. Almost all studies to this point have anti drug funding sources so we are guessing. Based on purely anecdotal experience some strains/phenos have a nasty alpha adrenergic 2b adrenal receptor agonist effect.
Cannabis is not a homogenous entity and it's route of administration and subsequent metabolic mechanism affect the drug's effects. We need some large studies on this, various cannabis' profiles and correlation to systemic vascular resistance and affect on endocrine system among many other things.

We don't have enough information. Almost all studies to this point have anti drug funding sources so we are guessing. Based on purely anecdotal experience some strains/phenos have a nasty alpha adrenergic 2b adrenal receptor agonist effect.

Yeah. What she said...
Israeli Doctor Raphael Mechoulam is the first in a few cannabis discoveries, notably identifying THC and CBD. He worked with cannabis for decades, well before the hippie movement, and was known as the Grandfather of Cannabis. Check out this short article on the lowering of blood pressure from consuming cannabis based on his work. RIP, doc (March 9th, 2023 at 92 yo)...
