what's your preferred method of medicating without smoking or vaping?


Well-Known Member
So it's Saturday morning and I'm about to make up a batch of my favorite way of taking cannabis orally, canna caps. And I got to wondering, how's everyone else taking their meds when they don't vape or smoke it?
So it's Saturday morning and I'm about to make up a batch of my favorite way of taking cannabis orally, canna caps. And I got to wondering, how's everyone else taking their meds when they don't vape or smoke it?

A new method which I am just starting to experiment with is tinctures. A couple of drops under the tongue, and the effects are almost instant.
Yeah tinctures are pretty awesome. My friend makes it and bottles it in binnaca style pump bottles that you spray into your mouth. A short time later your super medicated. He also infuses it with other essential oils like various citrus fruits, mint etc so they're tasty and easy to over do it. Haha
Very interesting...maybe you two can expand on this a bit?

There's lots of different methods to do this.....basically you decarb the starting material and then marinate it with 180-proof rum or something of a similarly high alcohol content for anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. The amount/quality of starting material, prep method and marination time, and how much you reduce down the alcohol content after the fact will all affect how strong it it. You can have everything from mildly infused alcohol for casual drinking, to super potent tinctures that only take a drop or two under the tongue to get you severely medicated. The strongest ones will have a pretty nasty taste, but the stuff works almost instantly and to great effect.

You can also put a drop or two in coffee or other beverages to burn off/cover up the strong booze taste and just enjoy the medical benefits.
I have a 151 tincture that's pretty potent. I drink 1/2oz with diet ginger and about 45 min later it's nap time. It's way to hot to put under my tongue. I make a wicked banana bread that stays fresh to the end. And lately I've been screwing with Olive oil and balsamic vinegar on salad very tasty indeed. I just found a recipe for some meatloaf cupcakes that I may give a whirl to...I really like eating my meds...they seem to last longer than a couple of hours and I find it a body stone.
I have a 151 tincture that's pretty potent. I drink 1/2oz with diet ginger and about 45 min later it's nap time. It's way to hot to put under my tongue. I make a wicked banana bread that stays fresh to the end. And lately I've been screwing with Olive oil and balsamic vinegar on salad very tasty indeed. I just found a recipe for some meatloaf cupcakes that I may give a whirl to...I really like eating my meds...they seem to last longer than a couple of hours and I find it a body stone.

Awesome. I love cooking with it too....my next mission is home-made cannabis ice cream, I found a killer recipe online and ice cream makers are on sale at Crappy Tire. Mmmmmmm......
So it's Saturday morning and I'm about to make up a batch of my favorite way of taking cannabis orally, canna caps. And I got to wondering, how's everyone else taking their meds when they don't vape or smoke it?

LOL I got a canna caps story. I have a herniated disk and the first time I was immobilized because of the pain I got 4 canna caps. Was told to take 2 and if nothing happened in 4 hours to take the other two. Well so 6 hours came and nothing. Ok well I was ok take the other 2. So I'm out at a store (once it took me 20 min to get up from my bed because of pain) and all of a sudden I get this really light feeling with no air while I move feeling on my body. LOL start getting super clammy hands and feet. Fuck I tell my self it hitting me hard and I'm 15 min away by car from home. I run to the car and boot it home. Fuck me half way there I can barely see and need to shove my face up to the windshield to see and concentrate on the road.

I get home and shit is going out of control. I'm so high that I can hallucinate in front of a mirror. Its was like an acid trip but when you're coming down and even though you can hallucinate the hallucinations are short and you can't control them. Well after an hour or so I couldn't move at all on the bed. I was too high to even pass out as shit was spinning hard lol.

I woke up to my alarm clock and holly fuck was I messed up still. Had to go to work all high as a kite with my wrists and feet not working so good lol. So I tired to let the other people at work run the store all day while a vegged out in the back. No luck some fucking guy HAD to talk to me. I could hear his words but could barely understand what he was asking and when I talked I have no idea what I said him lol. He had a pretty weird look on his face.

Took me about 4 days to get back to normal.
I have a 151 tincture that's pretty potent. I drink 1/2oz with diet ginger and about 45 min later it's nap time. It's way to hot to put under my tongue. I make a wicked banana bread that stays fresh to the end. And lately I've been screwing with Olive oil and balsamic vinegar on salad very tasty indeed. I just found a recipe for some meatloaf cupcakes that I may give a whirl to...I really like eating my meds...they seem to last longer than a couple of hours and I find it a body stone.

I tried a tincture a few times and it worked for pain and to relax me but next morning I was really lethargic feeling all day. Wife had the same feeling.
Ya it's pretty trippy shit...I used 28g sugar/750ml...started out a nice shade of Amber and looks like motor oil now. It is definitely not something I use everyday...more as a last resort. I wish we could get everclear here. I may try absinthe...all them good natural,oils mixing...mmmmm
Vegetable glycerin works very well too. For those that may not like the alcohol taste, or have a sweet tooth. This is also how they administer CBD oil to children. I rather enjoy a spoonful in a glass of OJ in the morning.
Vegetable glycerin works very well too. For those that may not like the alcohol taste, or have a sweet tooth. This is also how they administer CBD oil to children. I rather enjoy a spoonful in a glass of OJ in the morning.
Do ya have a good recipe that's not too sweet?
Nothing written in stone but I loosely follow Subcool's method(Article says shake or kief, I use bud). Glycerin is pretty sweet on it's own though. I remember initially thinking to myself how much sweeter it was than I expected.


Takes time unfortunately, although I did find some info on how to speed up the process. I have not tried this process yet, although I wouldn't use vaporizer leftovers personally for edibles. I find it tastes horrible, but again that's personal preference.
