Whats your take.....


Active Member
So heres my situation..... Im using a Growlab 80L I havea 600w MH and planning on using a HPS for flowering. My problem is Powdery Mildew. I live in a smaller home, and dont want to sulfur burn. So to try and counter the PM I have bought a Dehumidifier. It is a larger than I expected so I have stuck it outside the tent and I am using it to pump air into the tent. With another fan pulling air out. I figure I keep circulating dehumidified air through the tent I will achieve a lower humidity. So far in last the week it has lowered the humidity to 27 - 35%. I figure this is good for the PM, but now to a new problem. The hot air its making has raised the temp 5 degrees in my tent with my bulb at full power. (My ballast can reduce power to 60 or 75%) So right now I have it at 60% to keep the temp below 80 degrees. Is this dehumidifier worth the heat it is creating within my tent. Note I havent seen any white PM dots on any leaves since humidifier has been put into play.

Another thought is if I put in extra fans and put the power to 100% again but the temp stays at say 85 degrees will that kill / effect yield of the plants?

Thanks for reading, looking for any comments, math, or solutions to cool down my tent and getting 100% power back to my babies.


Active Member
Add Info.... My bulb is in a daystar hood I have a 6inch inline duct fan pumping fresh air through it. Ran with its own duct through the tent. No air from it is getting into the tent.