Wheel plants out to the sun from garage daily. Use garage to extend light.


New Member
Thank all of you for your input. I am a new grower. I have spent about a year researching how to grow the best organic medical Mj. I want to grow out doors but we are still trying to buy a good chunk of land in Southern Oregon. Until that happens, we converting a 4 car garage into a grow room. Is there a way to use the sun and the garage? Wheel them out into the sun during the day? what are your thoughts on this method? Anyone tried that? I figure I dont have to pay during the day for electricity and I can extend the light if needed by using the garage. -Keith

ps I posted this in grow room setup as well as I am have not bought any equipment yet.

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
You could buy a bunch of these carts...

and use them to 'Light Dep' your plants in the middle of summer.
Haul plants out side every morning at 7am, then bring back inside (total darkness) at 7pm
Make sure your garage is dark and preferably cool and insulated 8)


Well-Known Member
I been wheelbarrowing mine out for every sunny day the past 2 weeks of so, 50 yards each way, three trips to get them all. They are going into the hoop house after tonight as it's supposed to hit 38 for the lows and then warm back up. Don't burn your plants tho, gradually increase the duration in the sun. They'll speed up their growth right away.