when and how to flush??


Active Member
i want to know how often you should flush your plants in the last two weeks of flowering, do u need to flush in bubbleponics?


i kno in soil... u should run 3 tymes the amount of the size of ur pot
of distilled or reverse osmosis water threw it.
i did a bucket a day for 3 days each. bubbleponics not sure...


....actualy i think u need to elimnate all nutes from ur bubbleponics
and run clean distilled water for the last 2 weeks.
someone correct me if i'm wrong. it just seems logical.
ur fellow farmer Magic^


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i want to know how often you should flush your plants in the last two weeks of flowering, do u need to flush in bubbleponics?
i stick to my normal watering or feeding schedual to flush for harvest the last 2 weeks of flower. witch was every 3 days watering up to 2 weeks.:mrgreen:


Active Member
thank you i guess ill just leave them in clean water for the last two weeks does anyone think i need to change the clean water like every couple days or is once fine