When breeding indica and sativa what pheno will i mainly get?


Well-Known Member
I got an Afgan kush than im breeding with this mexican pure sativa, the afgan kush is said to flower 45-55 days and my mexica. Pure sativa, lets says im in socal and its barely started appearing budsites and its been on the ground since june. So its probably a 16+ flowerer the yield looks very high. I wanna breed for the sativa yield and the kush fast flowering time plus an enhance taste, i see my pure sativa is seeded already by my ak hermie :) what pheno could i possibly yield by breeding? Flowering time? High yield?


Active Member
Depends what dom traits the parents hold.. Only way to find out for sure is chuck some pollen mate. The line that is more inbred will probably give you more dom traits from that parent in the offspring. Bubba kush is a nice exp of this, pre98 and GHS bubba are 2 distictly different lines.. The kushs' used were dom in totaly different traits. So the results are one beeing kush dom the while the other a bubble gum result.

If they are genetically different your F1's should be pretty homogenious, F3's are where the real diversity in phenos starts to happen.
I know this doesn't really answer your ? but no one can really say what parent is going to do what "FOR SURE" unless you see what parent throws what traits.

But if i had to say my money says the kush is going to lower the flower time, and you will get a more stout plant than the mexi mom, with a kushy,skunky sativa type smell. Could be interesting... If you have time to work it. The afghani will sure add some thing uniquie. Alot of citrus and pine type smells come from afghan lines.. Could make yourself a OG type taste. Breeding is more addicting than growing :D the combinations are endless.


Active Member
Depends on sooooo many things. You will likely get a mix of both and any phenotypes that are genetically attached to those. It takes years of cross breeding, back breeding, inbreeding, etc to refine a strain down to a few phenotypes.


Well-Known Member
What i mean by good yield is 15-30 grams per plant, i want to do a 12/12 seed sog with a good tasting strain with yield.


Active Member
To answer the question about the results of mixing of a sativa and indica...

You'll actually get multiple phenotypes in the first generation. Or in other words, a percentage of the seeds will resemble the mother more than the father and some vice versa. Some will be more of an even mixture between the two. It just depends on the traits - some traits will be dominant and more common in the offspring, some will be recessive and less common, and you'll likely even see a number of new traits expressed in the offspring that weren't apparent in either parent.

Over time/successive generations, you can take the offspring that express the mixed traits of the parents that you like or want - and cull out the offspring that have traits you don't want. Successively, the offspring will be more stable as far as having the ideal traits you want and less likely to express the different/varied phenotypes produced by the first crossing.