When Can I Use FF Soil?


I have clones no bigger than a pencel they are rooting in peat plugs and small root hairs are poking through. I have Fox Farms Ocean Beauty soil.

Will the FF soil burn the roots at this stage of growth I am about to trans plant them into bigger pots.


bud bootlegger
nah.. i put my clones straight into ff ocean forest soil with no probs... just give them a few weeks before feeding them any additional nutes, and you should be golden...


Well-Known Member
I just switched to FF OF soil, and did exactly what you are asking. I transplanted the newly rooted clones directly into the FF soil, without any problems. It's a rich soil, so your leaves will be nice and dark, but not rich enough to give nutrient burn. Go for it, they'll be fine. :cool:


Well-Known Member
pop them in and let them grow. i use ff (of) like he said just dont feed them any nutes for -2-3 weeks just reg water ph adjusted would be good though.. then start low nutes if needed. Hell i did an auto flower, and never gave her any nuts just the O.F, just to see what would happen. lol and she came out great so. o and it took 45 day from seed to done.