When Do I Change Veg Cycle To Bud Cycle?


Active Member
I've watched a lot of videos, and from what I can tell, a lot of people do it a week after definitive sex is known. Some put it in right when the sex is known.

I'm on a low budget, so I don't have money right now to have two sets of lights, so cloning is out of the option for me. I am going to use the same set of CFLs for everything right now. When the time is right, I'll buy another set. Then maybe one day when I get more space I'll move on to the HPS shit.


Well-Known Member
alright cool
thanks for the help
is it true that the higher the lumens the better it is for flowering like red light
and blue light is better for vegitating

Dr High

Well-Known Member
I Let them grow out enough to have alot more bud for the end. from seed youd be better off begging for at least 8 weeks. Peace


Well-Known Member
Yea , HPS is perfect for flowering , it gives off a better red spectrum , it also has a little blue making it perfect. What i did when I wanted to start budding was basically just turn the lights to 13/11 and force em to start budding , after 3 months of vegging, so for me half were about 3 feet tall the rest 2 feet and i was just ready to start budding, within a week I knew which were males , 60% were females so I was happy , im 4 weeks in now and theyre lookin sexy , just dont start flowering till theyre atleast a foot id say


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I grow em big enough to top them for clones. About 6 to 10 inches, top them, flower 2 weeks later. I top them to keep them bushy too instead of them getting really tall.


Active Member
Determine sex one or two weeks AFTER flowering. You decide when YOU want them to flower, not the other way around. Figure on them doubling in height in flowering so switch from veg to flowering BEFORE they reach 50% of your closet's (or cabinet) total height or they will outgrow it during flowering! btw...Cannibal, I bought cloning powder from Lowe's for $5 , that and one ($4) 27 watt clf and you can clone. Well, and a plastic cup and something to hold humidity in like a plastic bag or a recycled plastic dome from a food container and a (misting) squirt bottle.