when do i start flushing. at the start of the 2 weeks or amber trichs


Well-Known Member
dont make the mistake i did. i thought i would start flushing 2 weeks before i "thought" they would finish up, and basically ended up lockin them out by low ph, or nutrient defficiency. and the trichome development stopped, was stuck for 2-3 weeks with 2% amber trichomes, and they did not go any further, so if you're after lets say 50/50 amber and cloudy id say start flushing once u start seeing amber trichomes, and only then. I started when trichomes were finishing the transition from clear to cloudy. but ive only got a couple harvests under my belt so i would take my advice with a grain of salt.


New Member
I use clearex at the end of week 6, and after the initial flush with clearex, I flush with ph balanced water only after that. It should not negatively affect your buds. In fact, I think it makes them taste a ton better with a long flush. my plants usually finish up in week 8. So they get a 2-3 week flush.

I definitely do not think you should wait until 50/50 amber/cloudy. That is when you cut down, not flush.


New Member
The plant using its nitrogen through dying leaves is fine in the last couple weeks. Just be patient, and let those trichs turn amber to some extent. The trichs can look cloudy in week six, and still not finish until week 8, so just keep an eye on them.

It is easy to get excited, but wait for the plant to tell you it is ready.