When do you start your seeds ?

So this is my first post here, last year was my first grow . And very successful besides didn’t get as much per plant as I wanted but that’s ok still got some killer bud !
When do you guys usually start your plants indoors ? And when do you guys transplant outdoors ?

Last year i started mine April 1 and transplanted outdoor around end of May ;

What about you guys ? I’m in Michigan by the way.

Also glad to be a new member here!


Well-Known Member
I start mine directly after my last grow.
They can't go outside during monsoon (June, July, August) when there's torrential rain and strong winds, but any other time is good.

I'm in SEA.

66 north

Well-Known Member
I start mine May 10th usually put them outside June 10th I can't start earlier because they have to be transported 40 miles .