When Do You Think This Experiment Will Be Ready?


Active Member
so the experiment was 12/12 from seed and only grown in a party cup and so its started showing its sex about 3 days ago and 1 or 2 days ago it went straight into flowering and it has just about 7 nodes and then 8th is coming with flowering on the top. so im not sure when it will be done. any guesses?



Active Member
pretty soon if you keep them in those clear plastic cups. transplant those guys into some larger, light proof containers ASAP. roots + light = bad.


Active Member
pretty soon? as in how soon? and well ill just black tape it around so theres no ligght going in towards the roots, im gonna see how they grow in these small little cups


Active Member
taping them up/blocking the light will help you out. but i still suggest transplanting to larger containers pretty soon. if you want to keep them small that's fine, but i doubt they will do too well if you leave them in those little cups.


Well-Known Member
i dunno what soil ur using but by the looks of the lower leaves and all the bark pieces its crap.

repot into better stuff b4 its too late.

2.99 soil from the pharmacy is like cancer to weed