When in the 12 hour cycle to you cut?


Well-Known Member
Corn is best harvested in the morning before the sun converts the sugars to starch. Tomatos are best harvested in the heat of the day.

I've been thinking it is best to cut 8-10 hours in when it seems to be the hottest and the plants the stickiest. What say you?
I am not sure on exact sciences, but I believe the consensus is to cut before or as the lights come on. Some people even go as far as to give the plants 24 or more hours of dark. Some people believe the buds push out more thc in the dark, others go on the knowledge that light degrades the thc, etc... There are many theories out there, but most people let the plants sleep before they are murdered. Seems like a nice thing to do IMO... I cut right when Lights come on, but that is mainly because that's the time I get home from work and spend time with my girls.
yeah generally you will hear people tell you to either cut while it's dark or intentionally induce 24-48 hours of darkness before cutting. this is supposed to increase potency and improve flavour

it's also recommended to harvest when the soil has been allowed to dry out quite a lot. a slightly dehydrated plant dries exceptionally faster than one that is fully hydrated
I harvest, trim in green light(after 96hrs dark on some strains). My buds never see the light before the cure is complete or at least before its dried.
im wondering the same thing, so i will not post my thread but stay close to this one. i do need to know about dryness. i have been cutting plants and drying them for about 3-4 days. in my climate this is all they really need. 16% humidity, lame. i have been trying to determine when the best time to harvest is. and i may need to start harvesting at night time. i have a huge sunroof in the living room and it lets sooooo much light in its sicking at times. i may need to buy a humidifier. i just purchased a dry tent and a 4" carbon filet and fan combo. the cheapest set up in all my rooms, lol! i figure it should work for drying in. i may need another exhaust fan though. i dont know if it is going to circulate enough air through it. i have seen the "4-day dryer box" on here a while back and am trying to replicate that, but in a bigger form. i will stick close to this thread!
Ive read the 24-48 hour dankness and the cut when dark or as the lights come. I have no clue whether thay work. But im gonna give it a try on this next run.
I take plants down whenever I am available to do so...be it morning, night, whatever...lights on, lights off...it might make a difference, but not one great enough for me to worry about.
I cut mine whenever, dry it cure it and get stoned. I think I might try the 24-48 hour darkness thing the next time just to see if it makes a dif but it is dif strain so dont know how I would ever tell.
I cut them during the day whenever I felt like doing it. I just make sure it's ready for harvest. The after-cutting period it's really important ( drying and curing ). When you are to picky things go wrong :)
I'm thinking the 96 hours of darkness cuts down on the chlorophyll(sic) stench. It is just so much more sticky after the lights have been on 8-10 hours. The temperature goes from 70 (f) to 85 (f) so maybe that has some bearing on the stickiness.