When Is It Time to Flush (DWC)?


Active Member
What indications should I watch out for that tell me I am near ready for harvest and should begin flushing? I hear people say 2 weeks prior to harvest, and I know what the trichomes look like when ready to harvest, but what should I notice before I flush with plain water for a week or two?


Active Member
I appreciate the link masp84. Even with the method posted there, it specifies the last "x" amount of weeks, step down nutes gradually. My problem is predicting how many weeks are left.


Well-Known Member
Well by the strain you could have an idea. You know Indicas dom take from 6 to 8, sativas dom 9 to 11 and hybrids almost always 9 weeks. Upload a pic if you can so we can give you a good prediction.


Well-Known Member
No what i ment was if she comes from veg @ 24/0 flowering could be delayed for a week or two, nevertheless IMO it'd be wise to start checking the trichs now and get ready to harvest. enjoy it man!


Active Member
Ahhh, I gotcha. Yes, the plants veg'ed at 18/6 for about 8 weeks, then I switched to the 12/12. I noticed pre-flowers by the end of the first week.


i know old post but does anyone have any more info on how the buds should look like when you should start flushing?? ive heard that the amount of flowering the seed companies give isnt alway accurate. so what do you guys look for when you start flushing besides x weeks in flower??