When is the soonest you can clone safely?

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Same as topic. Can you clone say a two week old female?
if you have enough plant matter, what your point of cloneing if you do it to early you looking at 2-4 plant but if you veg for like 2 wks - 1 mth under 24 hr light you can have hundered of plants

youll know whin the time is right


Calyx LED
I only have room for maybe 2-3 more plants. That was my idea behind doing it early... I was thinking at like 25 days clipping a few new babies off.


Well-Known Member
Interested in this too. Breakneck I think i recognise you from the WW thread.. you planning on cloning them?


Active Member
when u say 2 week old female, u mean 2 weeks from showing sex or do u know its a female cus its a clone?

If its old enough to be 2 weeks from preflowers I'd say its safe


Well-Known Member
I don't believe plants gain any resistances or strength as they get older so a young plant should besides root mass be as tough as an old plant, and if this plant has branches worth being cloned then its root mass is probably decent size also. Never tried clipping a branch that small though so not sure how well it would root. (Could be the same since though the leafs are smaller there's less demand for energy.)


Calyx LED
I don't believe plants gain any resistances or strength as they get older so a young plant should besides root mass be as tough as an old plant, and if this plant has branches worth being cloned then its root mass is probably decent size also. Never tried clipping a branch that small though so not sure how well it would root. (Could be the same since though the leafs are smaller there's less demand for energy.)
Yeah that's what I was thinking as it is my understanding that a seedling is less prone to stress in comparison to a more mature plant.


New Member
clone them girls when there is a branch that looks decent enough to do so with.. i cloned when i was two weeks into flowering n their fine girlie clones..gl


Active Member
2 week seedling is pretty young though. I'd wait a bit longer myself. In my experience young plants are more sensitive especially at only 2 weeks