Hence the word " frequent " , this is the key, its not the volume that you give its the frequency, you need to keep it routine, the plant can hang out for 4 days as long as it knows that on the fourth day it will get water 100%, it relies on you. keep it regular throughout your grow and you will see good development. good luckWater using less volume .... but more frequent.you'll see better growth rates.
Sry, I cant help with that, wanted to say thanks and thanks for the link...question i jus started flowering about 3 days in my leafs started culpping i have 300cfl 100cfl 100cfl i try and keep the lights 18 inches away but it growa like krazy it hasnt stop growing but the leaves are rigid and some are spirling imat a lost i read the moisture stress thread it was helpful but im still at a lost
Well said ( well C&P)this is from another thread:
The only time a leaf will cup like that is for one of two reasons only, one is heat stress, lack of water. The other is a Mg deficiency which is caused by a PH below 6.4 in soil (in my opinion, DrFever's sugested 6.2 is closer to a hydro PH than it is soil), or from using RO water for feeding and watering, or from using tap water with chlorine in it, in which case you want to add some Cal-Mag if using liquid ferts, or Epsom salts if you are growing organically.
Im growing Indoors, and That does make sense because I water them after 18 hours of light and then I shut off the lights till 6 hours later, so I know not to do that now.Haze touched base on frequency. Keep to a routine as Haze suggested. Plants of all types prefer consistency. Same rule applies to lighting as I'm sure your well aware.
watering as often as you are is not the reason your leaves are turning sideways or otherwise curling. Generally this is caused by heat trauma. If the pot is in the sun and you've just watered it in the middle of the day in the heat then what happens is you end up shocking your root system due to the sudden temperature change. If the plant looks like it needs water then wait until it cools down or early morning. Otherwise bring the pot into the shade out of the sun and allow it to cool down before you water it.
It's no different to our warm bodies jumping into a freezing cold shower; ultimately your going to have a bit of a shock.
If your in a hot climate and your pot is some what small, then watering every day might just be adequate as in this circumstance the plant requires it.
At the end of the day you have provided us with very little information on how your growing and your location, but I water my plants in Perth, Australia every day during the heat of summer due to the extreme dry heats. Growing indoors, and hydroponically is a completely different story and other rules apply, but growing weed outdoors is no different than growing chilli's or tomato's. They grow almost the same in terms of requirements eg. water, nutrients.
Hope this helps.