when P when K


Well-Known Member

I am in 5 week in flower...5 week from flip so 3rd week flower
When do I need that P and when I need high K
Or I need both at same time?

And is top dress of soil effective ?
I have :

DRY : worm cast - classic black worm cast no NPK on bag
sea weed 0.5-2-0
bat guano 3-15-14
palm tree ash 0-1-30
another brand worm cast 2-2-2 this is brown stuff

Veg fert 0-0-2 10% humic acid,algea,trichoderma,bicillius subtilis
Flower fert 5-1-5

Photosyntethis plus Microbe life
Azos Xtreme Gardening

So what will you do in week 5 from flip

thankk you all

How many weeks to flower this strain roughly?

If you cooked your soil for ample time, i'd wager between the guano and ash, there should already be enough PK.

Plants are nice and healthy, putting on plenty of mass?
If so, i think you'll likely be fine.
I increase P & K during flower, the last 2 or 3 weeks I really have it boosted, when adding P & K I am also reducing N to keep roughly the same PPM. The P makes for better terpene production and the K makes for better yield.

As far as how much and when, thats something every grower has their own ideas about.
She look good for now....but want to be sure that I am doing feed right...

So when I top dress when it will be in root zone ?After how many watering

I ask if top dress is effective since I read that microbes inside soil have to do work first with dry ammendment to be full avialble to the plant and really dont know how can they use that PK if is on top of the soil and the point is to get to to root zone
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She look good for now....but want to be sure that I am doing feed right...

So when I top dress when it will be in root zone ?After how many watering

I ask if top dress is effective since I read that microbes inside soil have to do work first with dry ammendment to be full avialble to the plant and really dont know how can they use that PK if is on top of the soil and the point is to get to to root zone

When you water, it will leach. When it leaches, they will get it.

If you go with microbes, it'll be available as soon as it leaches. I mulch it into the top of the soil. The microbes will go get it for the roots.Takes quickly.

Without microbes, you're looking at least a week maybe 2 for it to be there and start being usable.

Microbes work with root zones. They will go get nutrients for the roots and in return the roots give them sugar. It's a little ecosystem under there.

The ash will act quicker, but will raise your soil alkalinity, so only use it if you need to in small amounts. Spread it good so it doesn't clump.
She look good for now....but want to be sure that I am doing feed right...

So when I top dress when it will be in root zone ?After how many watering

I ask if top dress is effective since I read that microbes inside soil have to do work first with dry ammendment to be full avialble to the plant and really dont know how can they use that PK if is on top of the soil and the point is to get to to root zone

If that's an accurate NPK analysis on the bat guano, i think it'd be a great PK booster.

You can break it up a little, so it dissolves faster. I'd put it under some mulch too, so the microbes have a good time and it breaks down faster.
Just be wary though, only add a little. It's pretty strong and if fairly green could quite easily burn some leaves.

My thinking is, if it's an 8 week strain, still green and thriving, still packing on weight. Then if some leaves were beginning to yellow in 2 or 3 weeks from now, i'd call it a win. Then it's just waiting for it to ripen.
On the other hand, if it's a long flowering variety, i'd consider amending with something now, for later. Just a little bit at a time though, don't over do it.
Many years here the only thing i can say is that at present a pk boost is given a couple times week 5 of flower (not from flip).
