When people refer to "OG" weed strains....


Well-Known Member
...what are they really referring to? I Googled it and they say it means "Ocean Grown"....and then cite some supposed conversation that happened between two old heads about some really good weed that one said was from the mountains, but, in reality, it was from the California coast....thus "Ocean Grown".....But that seems sketchy. I've also heard it means "Old Genetics" Or, "Original Genetics"....People often say that OGs are slower to veg. WHY are they slower to veg? What makes an OG unique among strains? For example: Does an OG possess a specific set of terpenes that would make it easily recognizable? Is Hindu Kush different from OG Kush? If I take a seed of Afghani weed and grow it in a tent in Malibu, then does it transform into OG Kush? :) Or, is the term meaningless and just another, random thing?

Someone please give me the final, once-and-for-ALL definition.
Not sure about the name or strain origins, but I think the most credible name theory is that the cut was passed around on the old overgrow forum, and was referred to as OGers because of it. I think the kush part got tacked on at some point because of the popularity of kush strains.

But what makes an og an og? OG’s are a distinct group of related cuts. Josh D, Ghost, Fire, SFV, etc etc are all clearly close relatives. They are notoriously slow to root clones and slow to veg and all produce those egg shaped buds, on long spaced, viney internodes.
...what are they really referring to? I Googled it and they say it means "Ocean Grown"....and then cite some supposed conversation that happened between two old heads about some really good weed that one said was from the mountains, but, in reality, it was from the California coast....thus "Ocean Grown".....But that seems sketchy. I've also heard it means "Old Genetics" Or, "Original Genetics"....People often say that OGs are slower to veg. WHY are they slower to veg? What makes an OG unique among strains? For example: Does an OG possess a specific set of terpenes that would make it easily recognizable? Is Hindu Kush different from OG Kush? If I take a seed of Afghani weed and grow it in a tent in Malibu, then does it transform into OG Kush? :) Or, is the term meaningless and just another, random thing?

Someone please give me the final, once-and-for-ALL definition.
Hindu kush is one of the parent strains in og and triangle it is a legit kush as well og and the like are kush hybrids not pure kushes from said region most people when they use the term og in a more general sense they just mean old/original strains I'd say
It's just a stupid buzzword. Ocean grown? Lmao. This is one of those rabbit holes that never end. There is not definitive answer it means diff shit to diff people.
Og to me means original gangster, or just original.
The weed world is full of stupid stupid stupid shit and stupid stupid stupid people.
You may as well bang your head against a brick wall. Same results.

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Exactly what @Jjgrow420 Said. But at the end of the day, we all grow it, we all love it, it has a distinctive taste, smell and growth characteristic we know all too well. To me... that's good enough. Some things are better left a mystery IMHO. OG genetics have a well deserved place in our culture.
Oddly and funny enough, every strain I have going right now has OG in its lineage.
Ive heard of most of the OG above, oceangrown but it was from the seedbank so of course they will want to attach themselves to it for growcred, different variants of Original (grower, genetics).
One likely candidate is also for it to be from the Overgrow forum. But i doubt we will ever know 100%
If I take a seed of Afghani weed and grow it in a tent in Malibu, then does it transform into OG Kush?
No idea exactly what OG stands for in the case of OG Kush, but it does refer to a specific set of cuts. Growing a plant next to the ocean doesn't make it an OG Kush. And they do have distinct terpenes that make OG Kush strains recognizable.
For some reason of all of the origin stories of the OG name I've never liked the ocean grown explanation, but in truth I have no idea.
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well sourced clones will show you what an OG is compared to other strains. i found growing experience gives you better info than stoners online who typically argue back and forth about whose got the right story

same thing as all the roadkill skunk and diesel theories, good reads but you're better off using @Jjgrow420 recommendation of banging your head against a brick wall
This has been discussed so much over the years.Once legalization got a bigger foothold reliable people started to share their past.

"OG Kush" did not stem from the west coast.Some of the older guys in the scene that were some of the first to hold the cut even said it....it made it's way to the west from Florida.