When shall I start feeding ?


New Member
Hi San any one help ? My plants are about 4 weeks old now I have one skunk #1 and 2 blue cheese !
the #1 seems to be driving and has shot up but the cheese are still quite small !
one of the cheese has started showing signs of yellowing around the edes of too leaves and all plants have showed sings of wilting leaves ! I have planted in soil which I was told has three weeks worth of nutes in it been repotted recently ! But I am starting to worrie as don't want it to go tits up ! Can any one help as plucked leaves that have wilted and need to know when to feed as am going to use jungle nutes 3 part ! Is this any good? I have also read that humidity may be causing wilting ? PLEASE HELP IF POSS. By the way I have planted them in biobiz soil I think multi max ?


Well-Known Member
hi there

First of all, post some pictures please, will make it much more easy for use to give prober advice, and a better changes for you to get solid advice, and further more, it will make Ppl. respond to your post/question a bit more (catch there attention)

4 week`s old is normally about or past the time where its common to begin to feed, begin with a mild solution and work your way up, first of all Bc. you have small plants, in Veg and secondly since its much easier to add more then to "remove" any and the plants also do much better underfeed then overfeed

yellowing is normally a sure sign of lack of nitrogen (first number on the bottle) in Veg. it will start on lower growth and work its way up as the new growth "steal" the stored energy in the lower growth/leaves (same can happen in the end of flowering as the plant use up stored energy in a last attempt to grow)

But it can also be a sign of Mg (magnesium) deficiency as plants need more then the basic NPK fertilizer to thrive (I would strongly recommend you to do some read up on nutrients/micro`s and trace elements the MJ plant need to thrive in different stages) and wilting leaves could also suggest it is Mg it need

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jungle juice nuts is about the same as Flora Duo (a copy so to speak) and is a good basic "standard" line/set with all/most the plants need, I reckon you have a bottle of veg. bloom and micro ? or is it ripen you got ? (IMO you will need the micro for Ca/Mg and other trace elements)

in the end, remember, more is less, so you slow with the nuts, maybe 1/4 strength to start with working your way up to 1/2 dose and maybe 3/4 in full flowering, full strength is often too much for MJ to handle and as I said before, a plant that lack a bit of nuts do much better then one you over fert.

best of luck


here is some pics that might help you with your problem ?

View attachment 2972654View attachment 2972655


I grow a Skunk 1# myself at the moment



New Member
Thank you for your help, that's a great bit of advise and hopefully be enough to turn things around !
Thanx for taking the time to reply and I will take all you said on board