As long as you understand one thing, it all makes sense. The one thing is this, whether you wrap your seed in a damp paper towel and put it in a small dish, covered by Saran Wrap, and place it on something WARM(like a cable box which is what I do), OR just stick it a 1/2 inch down in some moist soil and put a lamp over it, what is eventually gonna make it sprout is the warmth of either the cable box or the light. It's NOT the light that makes it sprout(or not sprout), it's the warmth from the light(or the cable box). So what I'm sayin' is that it doesn't matter if it's dark or light, just warm and moist.This is so inconsistant. So many people swear by germing in the dark. Which is it?!?! Does it matter if your using rockwool as a medium?
leave the lights on 24-0 until they're like 45 days old. if they haven't pre flowered switch the light to 12-12 to induce flowering. i find that 24-0 makes your plants crunk! hate cfl tho HPS all the way.