When should I consider flipping lights for flower?


This is my first grow. I’ve been lst my plants for a few weeks to try and spread my canopy more evenly. They’re under a cheap 600w led (260 true watts) light. Next grow I’m looking at going with a 600w mh/hps settup.

Any recommendations / tips before I start flower would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Personally I'd go for longer. You're developing a decent canopy there. Keep stretching them out so that the auxiliary stems get a bit sturdier. It's your call really... I see people flower plants that small all of the time but other than an early harvest or avoiding possible health issues why cut it short? One . My one plant LST for 3 months before the flip. 1x1m canopy with 25+tops



Personally I'd go for longer. You're developing a decent canopy there. Keep stretching them out so that the auxiliary stems get a bit sturdier. It's your call really... I see people flower plants that small all of the time but other than an early harvest or avoiding possible health issues why cut it short? One . My one plant LST for 3 months before the flip. 1x1m canopy with 25+tops
Appreciate the feedback. I’ve learned a lot this grow and am excited to use that knowledge on my next grow. For now though, I’m still treading new waters. I think a few more weeks in veg is the move..