when should i harvest?


i am 3 days away from week ten. 7 sour deisels and ive heard to go till 75 or 80 days which would gimme another week at least. i have yellowing leaves already and do not want to harvest them too early. ive already started flush 2 weeks ago and im in soil . lemme kno what you would do this is my first grow. ( i kno i have a little heat stress this cola is really spread out but the other ones look compact and great :)



trichomes mostly clear and little milky i was plannin on cutting in 3 days. you think thatd be too early? i was gonna wait for some ambers to show up


Well-Known Member
i am sure you will enjoy however it will be a lower level of thc at this point mostly cloudy to amber would be better


k thanks a lot dude. im gonna wait for the trichomes to turn. but ive been battling a small patch of powdery mold and im against the clock if it spreads ill harvest asap i just dont wanna have to do that in the last week of dank growth


Well-Known Member
let them go, dont worry about the leaves yellowing at this point you will lose nothing from the leaves yellowing but gain so much from letting your trichomes develope and mature.


Well-Known Member
k thanks a lot dude. im gonna wait for the trichomes to turn. but ive been battling a small patch of powdery mold and im against the clock if it spreads ill harvest asap i just dont wanna have to do that in the last week of dank growth
any chance on some pics of the powdery mold? do you have a dehumidifyer? stress wont do much at this point in the game but promote more trichome development sence worrying about hermying is out of the question.


i dont have pics of them now i had 3 small circles i removed the infected leaves and i got a dehumidifier my RH is still 46% i like to keep it round 40 to be safe and help resin production . but thanks for the inpuut im gonna wait the extra week if i have to


Well-Known Member
yeah even take it down to 30% if you could it would be horrible to loose such nice looking plants to mold.


Well-Known Member
Check that small patch of mold carefully . Sometimes it is a patch of pollen from a Hermie seed .