when should i start feeding my plant nutes?


Well-Known Member
i was just wondering when should i start feed my plant nutes and what kind of nutes should i feed them....just kind of gathering as much info as i need befor i start growing. thanks
If its your first grow I say go with everything fox farm. Soil/nuts etc. Super simple to use and plants love the sh*t. Get ocean frost soil mix with perlite about 70/30 mix. only water for first month then start to feed them big grow during veg, then when you switch to flower use big bloom n tiger bloom. Works wonders my dude.


Well-Known Member
In soil you should feed them when they start becoming pale. Thats a sign of Nitrogen deficiency which is the first thing to show in the vast majority of cases.
In hydro you feed since the first \ second week. (depends on the system and nutes)

What nutes? up to you.

I currently roll with organics. I got a nice mix done and I usually water with plain water and once every now and then I give them a dose of compost tea (AACT). Sometimes I add guano to my tea as well.


Well-Known Member
Northwestcronic, I think the rez \ heads formula with straight coco is way better for newbies.

2 bottles, one PH meter, one bag.
No complicated charts or anything, nothing much to do other than following whats written.
In coco nutes don't build up so you have much less variables with that method.

Plus, overwatering is much less of an issue using straight coco, so one less common newbie mistake.


Active Member
I second the Fox Farm approach.

I use it, and ive got good results.

Ocean Forest Soil
Grow Big
Big Bloom
Tiger Bloom

Just follow the feeding schedule/chart at 1/2 strength, and you'll do fine. They also have solubles, but they're sorta expensive.


Well-Known Member
I second the Fox Farm approach.

I use it, and ive got good results.

Ocean Forest Soil
Grow Big
Big Bloom
Tiger Bloom

Just follow the feeding schedule/chart at 1/2 strength, and you'll do fine. They also have solubles, but they're sorta expensive.
THis is the way I started and they keep it pretty simple if you follow there feeding chart too.. No need for solubles although I'm sure they help.. Between these nutes and soil, good genes, a ph tester and a lot of reading you will be more successfull then you expect your first grow! More than anything, look at as many grows and read as much info as you can take before you get started.. Good luck!

Just go to FoxFarms website if you need to find out where its located near you..